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Friday, March 13, 2009

Story Of The Buddha & Buddhism ( Part 21 - 24 )

Conversion of Sariputta and Moggallana

Sariputta and Moggallana were the two most distinguished of the Buddha's disciples and were well-known as his two chief disciples. Before they met the Blessed One they were leading the religious life under Sanjaya was wandering ascetics in search of truth. One day Sariputta saw the Venerable Assaji going round Rajagaha early in the morning for alms, with decorous walk and perfect deportment. He thought, "Surely this is one of the monks who are arahants, or who have entered on the path of arahantship", and followed in the wake of this monk.

When the Venerable Assaji had taken his meal, Sariputta drew near and spoke to him as follows:- "Who, brother, is your teacher and whose doctrine do you approve?"; The Venerable Assaji replied, "The Blessed One, a great Sakayaputta monk, is my teacher. The Doctrine proclaimed by the Blessed One, I approve. It shows suffering, cause of suffering, cessation of suffering and the path leading to the cessation of suffering". On hearing this exposition of the Doctrine, Sariputta was established in the first holy stage of the Ariyan Path. Then Sariputta went to tell his friend the good news and Moggallana was also established in the first holy stage of the Ariyan Path. Both of them with a large following of their disciples became monks under the Doctrine and Discipline of the Buddha.

Part 22

King Bimbisara sending forth military officers to disturbed areas

King Bimbisara, although he was established in the first holy stage of the Aryan Path, had to depend chiefly upon his army for ruling his kingdom. At one time, there was an armed rising in the frontier areas and the people there had to run away elsewhere leaving their village, many of which were destroyed. This news made the King very sad and sorry for the people of those parts. He therefore summoned the best military officers and ordered them to go out to the disturbed areas with these words of command:-

"My officers, go ye to areas where disturbances have taken place and people have fled from the village, and restore law and order and give people protection so that they can live safely in their villages and work their fields again under normal conditions";. He gave orders not to kill the insurgents but to protect the inhabitants. The army sallied forth and, after stamping out the disturbances by peaceful means as commanded by the King, came back safely to the capital.

Part 23

The Buddha visited Kapilavatthu at the request of Kaludayi Thera

King Suddhodana heard that the Buddha was dwelling at the Veluvana Monastery offered by King Bimbisara of Rajagaha. He wanted to see Him. Nine courtiers, each with a large following, were sent on nine successive occasions to invite the Buddha to Kapilavatthu. All nine attained Arahantship and no reply was received. The King finally despatched Kaludayi. He went on condition that he would be allowed to enter the Order.

Kaludayi also became an Arahant and entered the Order. He then requested the Buddha to visit the city of Kapilavatthu. The Buddha proceeded there with a following of twenty thousand Arahants covering a distance of 60 yojanas at the rate of one yojana a day. It took him fully two months to do the journey. Kaludayi Thera traveled by air everyday by superhuman power and kept the Buddha's father, Suddhodana, informed of the progress of the march. And on the day of the Buddha's arrival, a great welcome awaited Him

Part 24

Twin miracle performed by the Buddha before his kinsmen and a shower of rain fell wetting only those who wished to be wet

Members of the Sakya clan were very proud, and when the Buddha arrived at Kapilavatthu, they let only the younger kinsmen pay their respects to the Blessed One while the order folk sat down without making obeisance to Him. The Blessed One, who saw this behaviour, rose in the air and walked over the heads of the elders. He performed the miracle of the pairs, in which flames of fire came from the upper part of His body and streams of water from the lower part. Then the process was reversed. Next fire came out from the right side of His body and water from the left, and so on.

He thus showed his superhuman power and emitted six resplendent rays of light from his body, at which they marveled. Suddhodana himself was so deeply moved by the sight that he bowed his head and touched it with the feet of the Blessed One in salutation. At this, all the other members of the clan could not help paying homage to the Blessed One. The sky then became overcast with clouds and poured down a shower of rain by which only those who wished to be wet became wet and others. They marveled at this miracle and showed greater respect towards the Buddha.

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