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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Story Of The Buddha & Buddhism ( Part 49 - 52 )

Part 49

The blessed one taming Nalagiri elephant which was sent to crush him

After the death of King Bimbisara, Devadatta made several attempts to kill the Buddha, but he was not successful. So he went to the elephant-keepers and said to them. "Venerable Theras like us who are recognized by the King can use our influence to get you promotion in your service. Therefore, you had better carry out my instructions. If the Venerable Gotama should pass this way, set the full grown male elephant, Nalagiri, upon Him".

Nalagiri was a very ferocious elephant which used to gore men to death. The Blessed One, with his retinue of holy monks, was coming into the city of Rajagaha on his alms-round, when the elephant-keepers, desirous of gaining promotion in service, set the full-grown elephant in the direction of the Buddha. The Blessed One stood where he was and sent out his thought of loving-kindness towards the elephants Nalagiri, which was running towards him to crush him down. When the elephant came near the Buddha, it stood quietly before Him listening to the words of advice uttered by him.

Part 50

King Ajatasattu coming out to pay his respects to the Buddha and his disciples

After the death of his father, King Bimbisara, King Ajatasattu could not sleep well and used to wake up with a start. He wanted to go to the Buddha so as to get some mental relief, but he dared not go because he had done the most heinous act of parricide. On the night of the courtiers as follows:- "Whom shall I approach on such a pleasant night in order to have a clear and peaceful mind?"

The countries made several suggestions to him but he did not accept any of them. He took the suggestion of the Physician Jivaka, and left the city with a city with a procession of five hundred female elephants, fully bedecked and caparisoned, and mounted by five hundred women disguised in the dress of soldiers; and accompanied by torch-bearers to show the way. When he arrived at the Mango Park of Jivaka, he saw the Blessed One and over one thousand holy monks so quiet and peaceful that the sight at once filled his mind with peace and hope.

Part 51

Venerable Kumara Kassapa explaining to the Governor of Payasi the existence of a future world

The Governor of Payasi was of the wrong belief that there was no future world, that there were no such beings as higher and lower gods produced without any apparent cause, that there was no such thing as Hell and that there were no effects of good or bad deeds done. According to his view "if a man dies he is not reborn". Venerable Kumara Kassapa was an Arahant who could preach well. The Governor of Payasi with a great crowd of men came to the Arahant and stated to him his religious views.

Venerable Kumara Kassapa pointed out to him the sun and the moon and asked him, "Are the sun and the moon you see over there in this or another world? Are the beings living there human or celestial?"; The Governor could not answer that the sun and the moon were in this world; nor could he say that their inhabitants were human beings. He had, therefore, to admit that "those planets are in another world land their inhabitants are celestial beings". He was converted from his wrong faith by being asked questions of this nature

Part 52

Parinibbana (death) of the Buddha In the Sala grove of Kusinara State

From His 35th year, the date of His Enlightenment, the Buddha's successful ministry lasted 45 years. When He attained His 80th year the Buddha had an attack of dysentery and lay down on a couch with its head to the north between twin sal-trees in the Sala Grove of Kusinara State. Men, higher and lower gods and monks were gathered, in large numbers, near the Blessed One in respectful adoration.

Though he was very weak and weary, the Buddha was still addressing those present with words of exhortation. After addressing them the whole night Blessed One spoke His last words, when it was nearing dawn, as follows:- "Behold, O disciples, I exhort you. Subject to decay are all conditioned things. Strive on with heedfulness". The Buddha then attained the Ecstasies and arrived at the cessation of perception and sensation, and finally the Blessed One passed away; and there was an earthquake to mark His death

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