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Friday, April 9, 2010

Reds Protest Over Closure Of TV Station In Bangkok

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has cancelled all of its Songkran activities in the wake of intensifying redshirt rallies and the state of emergency.
According to Bangkok Governor, all festivities including religious rituals will not be held this year.

The BMA initially planned to organise the procession of a sacred Buddha statue, hold a Miss Songkran beauty contest, prepare festivities at Santi Chai Prakarn Park and conduct many more events. All these activities will no longer take place despite the fact that the Songkran festival is one of the biggest events in Thailand.

However, operators on tourist crowded Khao San Road have vowed to keep the festive mood alive there.

Today the main target of the Reds was the Thaicom building after the government yesterday effectively ended transmission ( which was transmitted via Thaicom ) of the People Channel (PTV) satellite broadcaster, which it said had incited public unrest. Under the state of emergency declared on Wednesday, the government also shut down PTV and its related websites, as well as another 10,000 pornographic and other websites deemed "inappropriate"

By 10.30am, hordes of Reds started marching to the Thaicom building and at around 2.30pm the Reds stormed into the Thaicom compound despite the presence of hundreds of police and soldiers. Objects were also being thrown at the building and the police and molotov bombs were detonated outside the building. It was reported that tear gas has been fired at protesters for the very first time since the protest started almost a month ago.
Meanwhile warrant of arrests for 17 core leaders have been issued.

( a convoy of Reds heading to Thaicom station )

( thousands of Reds were at the Thaicom station demanding their People Station to be allowed to continue service )

( the authorities putting up fans for the police or for the protesters so that their temperature won't get heated up ? ) so considerate of them

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