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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bill Clinton Turns To Buddhist Meditation

In an effort to compliment the beneficial changes he's made to his physical well-being, former President Bill Clinton is addressing his inner mental health as well.

RadarOnline recently reported that 66-year-old is taking private classes from a Buddhist monk to better relax his mind and body and reduce stress. In 2010, after suffering various health scares and heart surgeries, Clinton shifted to a plant-based diet, dropping 24 pounds and crediting the change with saving his life.

"When I had my second heart incident [in 2010] and I had the stents put in, I had passed all my physicals, I was doing great, but I was still building up plaque in my arteries," he told CNN. "So I decided that I wanted to see if I could live to be a grandfather, so I just went all the way."

A source told Radar that Clinton's move towards meditation is yet another way he's improving his overall health.

“He has a hectic life, he travels a lot on business as an ambassador for the U.S. and needs something to keep him sane.

“Meditation offers him that, he has a mantra that he likes to chant, and after every session he feels transformed and full of positive energy. It’s definitely doing him the world of good — he feels fitter and stronger than ever,” the source added.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to hear that more and more people are taking up the time proven Buddhism practice to tame the mind, but if we have studied Lamrim before, then we must know taming the mind is just a small portion. What is important is, what are we dong to do the the tamed mind and the healthy body.

    Bill Clinton is very influential. He will make more people interested in Buddhist practices.


    P.S. A similar article by my Guru can be found here:
