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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bangkok Paralyzed

The Reds started their protest today by erecting a stage at the busyRajprasong intersection in front of the Phra Erawan Shrine. They used 6 wheeler trucks to block the intersection causing nearby traffic to be heavily congested. Meanwhile one of the Red leaders, Veera threatened to burn down the office of the National Anti Corruption Commission claiming double standard in their law enforcement and to besiege the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration ( BMA ) for collecting blood samples used in their protest two weeks ago for testing without their permission ( just yesterday they assured Hilary Clinton there would be no violence in their demo but today .... )
The test results showed that the blood used in the demonstration were contaminated with various viruses like Hepatitis and even HIV ( not suprising at all ) and had been mixed with blood drawn from cows and pigs too. ( I think that's why they are angry because their secret of using animal blood has been exposed )

( pity the police, there were made to stand and watch like robots but given no authority to take any action )

Who says protesters are bad people. These guys even shared their drinks with the police

Relaxing police

They used lorries and trailers to block the intersection

Erecting their rally stage right in the middle of the busy intersection

The completed stage ready to be used

" Stage opening ceremony " Monks blessing leaders of protesters. Earlier this week, Abhisit commented the hitting the road to protest is not something that monks should do but the monks said, they couldn't sit still to watch the country downhill without taking any action.

Come on everybody, let's shake out butt

Representatives from southern Thailand - the Malay Muslims

When feeling sleepy, anywhere will do

Protest or no, lunch must not be missed

Support from afar

Photos for remembrance

Whereas some energetic ones are having a good time

Model showing latest fashion craze in Bangkok

While the other resting under the bridge which has been their home since the protest started more than 3 weeks ago

Tourists joined in. Though some tourists were upset by the protest ( for spoiling their holidays ), most were unfazed nor afraid because the demo was like a carnival

For some, this protest is the time to make more money

Indecent exposure madam

Have you seen a mobile temple before ? Well here is one complete with a Buddha statue and monks

By noon, the intersection occupied by the Reds had been completely closed to traffic. It seemed like the Reds wanted to punish Bangkokians for protesting against them yesterday. All activities near the area have been severely affected, businesses are closing, gas staions not selling gas, shopping malls including the popular Siam Paragon, Siam Center, Siam Discovery and Central World have closed, parents unable to send / pick up their children from schools and functions at a few of the 5 star hotels in the vicinity were disrupted because guess unable to turn up on time or not turning up at all, skywalk to a subway station has also been closed. The Police Hospital located very near to the area was almost inaccessible causing worry that blood and oxygen might be disrupted. The situation is unlikely to get better tonight because unlike in the previous weeks where the Reds called it a day by evening, today they will occupy the intersection through the night thus paralyzing all the activities near the area. Infact they pledged to stay there " for a long time ". The crowd was expected to peak at 60,000 and was reported to be getting more aggressive compared to previous weeks.
( They "seized" the tourist and business heartland of Bangkok )

At the same time the Reds wanted Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) to send mobile toilets to their protest site. They threatened to use the area as "mass toilet" if their demands for mobile toilets were not met. For the time being, 2 malls though closed, allowed the protesters to use their toilets. Police have begun negotiating again with the Reds to open up a lane at the intersection to ease traffic problems, however so far a favorable outcome has yet to be reached.
( The Central Mall was closed for business but the management allowed the protesters to use the mall's toilets )

A spoilt rich kid. An 18 year teenager was arrested by the police after slamming his Porsche at parked motorcycles belonging to the Reds near a hotel

( It was fortunate that he got arrested fast by the police otherwise he would probably be beaten to death by the Reds )

(This is the kid who was later identified as a son of a former deputy PM of Thailand)

The police had engaged in another negotiation with the Reds to leave their protest site but failed to come to an amicable solution. The government warned that obstructing and blocking public roads is liable to one year jail and if the Reds failed to leave the area by 9pm, they would be charged. 9pm had come and gone but so far no action has been taken against anybody. The Reds were adamant that they would stay there through the night. Earlier Thaksin phoned in to express how proud he was at the Reds and ended his call by telling the Reds " I worship you ".

When the night falls

Receiving encouragement from Thaksin

It's barbeque time

Let's see what they have in store for us tomorrow


  1. don't those protesters got to go to work or something?

    i hope everyone (thailand people) will keep their buddhist spirit clear and wise :x

  2. Many of them are farmers back in their villages, so i guess they have some family members to work on their farms when they are here. Moreover they are paid to be in Bangkok and probably able to make some "profit" everyday. It was said that each protesters is paid 400-500 Bath per day which isn't bad at all for those from poor provinces.

    Some of the protesters also take turn to be in Bangkok. When one group returns, another group enters but what's confirmed is that the core leaders are always here and this is probably their job for the time being.
