Little Monk Goes Viral

A little child dressed up as a monk in Fuzhou China has gone viral on Weibo

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Butter Sculpture Festival

Every year a butter sculpture festival is held in Tar monastery, located in the northwest province of Qinghai in China to celebrate the Tibetan New Year. During the this period which normally runs from mid February to early March , Tibetans and tourists alike throng the Tar temple to witness butter sculptures of various shapes and colours and skillful embroidery arts.Butter sculpture originated from Tibet and was introduced to the Tar Monastery,...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Nepal Boy 'God'

A five-year-old Nepali boy, worshipped by many as a god, sits cross-legged with a stuffed teddy bear in his brick-and-cement home in Kathmandu.Sambeg Shakya was hailed last year by Buddhist priests as Ganesh, or the god of good fortune, since when he has led several processions of Nepal's better-known 'living goddesses', also known as Kumari.Today, skinny Sambeg, his eyes rimmed in black kohl and wearing a gold brocade dress, walked at the head of...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Buddhist Practice A Secret To Longevity

A 112 year-old nun who lives in central Taiwan's Nantou County, one of two oldest people in Taiwan, said that the secret of her longevity is her lifetime of Buddhist practice. Liu Ching-huan, who was born in China's Sichuan Province, arrived in Taiwan with the remnants of the late President Chiang Kai-shek's forces as a young girl and was ordained at a Buddhist temple in 1965 in the county's Puli Township. Although the centenarian is confined to a wheelchair, she is in good overall health, according to the caregiver who has been taking care of...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Japan's Ex PM On Pilmigrage Journey

Japan's unpopular former prime minister Naoto Kan has swapped high politics and power suits for a Buddhist pilgrimage of 88 ancient temples on the island of Shikoku.Armed with a pilgrim's peaked straw hat, white shirt and walking stick, the former leader was spotted visiting Enmeiji temple, the 54th spot on the pilgrimage route, according to reports.It is not the first time Mr Kan has swapped politics for pilgrimages: he followed the same path in...