Little Monk Goes Viral

A little child dressed up as a monk in Fuzhou China has gone viral on Weibo

Monday, October 29, 2012

Buddhist From Both Koreas Hold Ceremony Together

The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism’s (South) Korean Community Advancement Organization and the Central Committee of the (North) Korean Buddhist Federation met at Kumgang Mountain’s Shingye Temple Oct. 13 for Buddhist services to mark the fifth year since the temple’s restoration. These joint ceremonies were the first to be carried out by a South Korean Buddhist delegation visiting the North this year. At the services held that day, Lee Gyu-ryong,...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Buddhist Police

Espírito Santo state government , south- eastern Brazil, is an experimental training program for a number of daily new mobile police officers . Instead of learning new fighting techniques , the police officer is on skill development in relations between individuals , emotional balance and discipline in a Buddhist monastery , located 70 km from the capital Vitória . Often more decentralized systems on the rigidity of the military, participants...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just Photos - Vietnamese Buddhist Wedding
