Saturday, May 15, 2010

Buddhist Personality : Jacky Lui

Name : Jacky Lui Chung Yin
Nationality : Hong Kong
Profession : Actor
Date Of Birth : 5th February 1966
Height : 178cm

Jacky Lui is a TV actor from Hong Kong who started his acting career way back in the 80s with a television staton, ATV but later joined it's rival station, TVB. A certified diver, today he focusses more in establishing his career in China.

He has been a vegetarian for more than a decade. Initially his abstinence from consuming meat was due to health reason but later after getting contact Buddhism, he says he just doesn't have the heart to see a "living thing" ended up on his plate. Today he is a devout Buddhist and does Buddhist chanting at home. He says that Buddhism has changed his personality from an impulsive person to someone who is much calmer.


Anonymous said...

tuy khong handsome nhung rat quyen ru

cdgdq2 said...

not handsome but very charm

wee eng seow said...

Good personality

Unknown said...

I like him a lot